Minutes From Eugene Southtowne Rotary Board of Directors Meeting

May 15th, 2024

Members Present:  Joelle Goodwin, Renee Yandel, Anita Weiss, Chris Waugh, Karen Fretwell, Angela Obrien, Deanna Rivera

1. Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 5:38 pm.

2. Adoption of Minutes:  The April minutes were approved. Moved by Chris, Second by Karen, Anita abstains, All in favor.

3. Financial/Treasurer Report:  Reviewed Profit and Loss statement

Budget vs Actual reviewed
Income: Dues unpaid need to be addressed. Joelle, Randy, and Karen discussed how to address this. Angela will send the list, and Joelle will contact folks.

Expenses: We will need to ask Directors to minimize expenses and consider budgets for next year with revenue in mind.

4. New Business
Would like to get minutes into Spinoff, as well as Foundation minutes-submit to contact@southtownerotary.org

We discussed engaging members. Karen shared that next year, the focus will be on membership. We also discussed expanding the number of members who volunteer to help at meetings. We reviewed meeting logistics, previous efforts to increase meeting attendance, and ideas for the future.

Discussed the request that future fundraising use the financial systems we have for receiving funds.

5. Directors Reports:

  • Administration (Travis) – No new report
  • Local Community Service (Grace) – No new report
  • International Projects (Anita) – Review written report- Jocelyn’s project is going well.
  • Membership (Kathi) – No new report
  • PR (Deanna) – The Last promo was for Cinco De Mayo. I request that all review the website.
  • Resources (Karen) – No new report
  • Youth Services (Doug) – Review written report- hosting 2 RYLA this year, no SEHS applicants yet. Four Way Speech contest, not aware of the outcome yet.
  • Social Committee- Joelle will take this on for next year.
  • Foundation – No new Report
  • Fundraising Report—Karen—Cinco de Mayo was a success. It was a lot of work, but we did very well. We have reserved Garden Club for next year. There was lots of representation at the event. The Matthew Knight Arena fundraiser has gone well. Sylvan Ridge is doing a fundraiser. Jean Stover will share more information. The raffle will be finalized tomorrow, and all tickets will be sold.
  • Springs (Mary)- No new report
  • Service Network (Chris): The Group has been working on membership and will submit an application for a new member.

6. Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM. The Board’s next Meeting is scheduled for June 24, 2024, at 5:30 PM.