This is Your Rotary.
Thank you for your interest in Rotary membership!
Rotary was the world’s first service club and began in Chicago, on February 23, 1905. Southtowne Rotary was established in December, 1975. We currently have 102 active members who are continuously engaged in a variety of local and international service projects. Working together, we practice our motto of service above self. Click here to learn more about our history.
There is no “typical” Rotary member anymore. Rotary has changed dramatically over the years. Rotarians are business, professional, and community leaders from all walks of life. We meet regularly to plan and implement community service projects and network with each other.
There are plenty of opportunities for personal development and camaraderie with fellow Southtowne Rotarians. This is where you can build bonds and friendships that last a lifetime! We enjoy supporting each other. We plan many social activities including wine tastings, golf outings, family picnics, BBQs, theater engagements, and Christmas parties. Almost every Southtowne Rotarian participates in our annual fundraising event, the Wine and Salmon Festival.
Rotary members also have the opportunity to build international understanding through scholarships, exchange programs, and humanitarian grants. Throughout the world, Rotary clubs participate in broad range of educational, intercultural, and humanitarian activities designed to improve the lives of others. More than 1.2 million men and women in over 200 countries and geographical areas belong to over 33,000 Rotary clubs.
Objectives of Rotary
The objectives of Rotary are to encourage and foster the ideal of service to others by:
The development of friendship with other Rotarians with similar goals as an opportunity for service;
Promoting high ethical standards in all aspects of life;
Demonstrating the Four-Way Test in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; and
The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional Rotarians united in the ideal of service.
Become a Rotary Member
Becoming a Rotary member provides awesome opportunities to make a contribution in your own community and in communities around the world. The first step in deciding whether you’d like to become a Rotary member is by visiting our club during lunch one Thursday afternoon.
Our club meets every Thursday at noon at:
The Eugene Mission
If you’d like to come, contact a Southtowne Rotarian or if you don’t know one, contact us and someone will be in touch with you. Or just show up! We’ll figure it out. Our weekly meetings feature informative speakers, a lot of laughs, and the BEST food of any club in the city (or perhaps state!)
If you have already visited and are interested in applying for membership, you can download an application now or pick one up at a meeting. Once you’ve applied, your application is considered by Southtowne leaders and members. Once approved, you become a “red badge” member, which means you have a few things to do before becoming a full “blue badge”, most of which entail getting to know our club, your fellow members, and participating in a few local activities and programs. Don’t worry! You are guided along the way by our friendly membership team.
Your Obligation to Rotary
To be a Rotarian, we urge you to give of your time and talents:
- in community work;
- in social functions; and
- in club and District activities.
- Initiation fee, $100.00
- Semiannual dues, $140.00
- Fines variable (goes to Intern. programs)
- Happy Dollars variable (celebrates members lives)
- Social activities variable
- Meals, $15.00, or Coffee/Dessert only, $5.00 (all are expected to have a meal or dessert/coffee)
Financial (cont.)
- Raffle tickets, $1.00 each or three for $2.00
- The Rotary Foundation variable and optional
- Major Fundraisers Rotary Raffle
- The Rotary Foundation
- Southtowne Speakeasy
50% attendance is required. The attendance goal can be achieved by attending each weekly meeting of our club and/or:
- attending and participating in any Southtowne sponsored service project or social activity;
- attendance at another Rotary Club within one month prior to or following a meeting missed of our club;
- attendance at a Southtowne board meeting, district committee meeting, institute assembly, conference, or a Rotary International Convention;
- attendance at a Southtowne committee meeting;
- or an online make-up.
Our group is filled with high energy and caring people. We hope you’ll look forward to our Thursday meetings, not as an obligation, but as a chance to be with this dynamic group.
As we developed rules for attendance, the Membership Committee’s focus was on being around this creative energy and diversity of thoughts/ideas at our Thursday meetings, and less on an arbitrary number. If someone is not attending meetings, a member of the committee will call and try to reengage them in our club’s activities. Our club strength is dependent upon all members and their input.
We have one of the higher attendance percentages at our Thursday meetings in District 5110. Let’s make it the best in the district.

The Five Avenues of Service
The club has board members and officers who are elected in December and take office the following July 1. The officers and directors conduct the general business of the club. Our president and board members make committee appointments based upon the Five Avenues of Rotary Service. You will be asked to help on at least one of these committees. Your involvement is a vital aspect of the health of Southtowne Rotary.
Club Service
These activities help make our club run successfully and help raise funds for our many community and international projects.
Vocational Service
Promoting the “ideals of service” in the business and professional field.
Community Service
Participating in activities that make our/your community a better place in which to live.
International Service
Helping to foster understanding and goodwill among persons of the world. It also enables outstanding students to study for one year on Rotary grants in a country other than their own.
Youth Services
Services ranging from scholarships, leadership training, and mentoring.

Induction Requirements
As a proposed member who desires to join our club, there are three administrative steps that will lead to your induction:
- An orientation to our club. We welcome your significant other to attend.
- Pay dues to the club treasurer (pro-rated to your date of entry).
- Pay a one time initiation fee of $100.00
At the induction ceremony, you will be officially welcomed to Southtowne Rotary. You will receive your Rotary pin and Red Badge with your name and occupation. You will be welcomed by each member of the club. It will be helpful if you can make a concerted effort to meet and get to know club members. Club members, in return, will make attempts to meet and get to know you. Our club is as strong as its members. Congratulations on being part of a diverse team of individuals with the mantra of “service above self”!
How you were chosen to be a member of Southtowne Rotary:
- You were sponsored by a club member.
- You were identified as an active member in your profession and our community.
- It is believed that you embody the values of rotary in your daily life.
- You were approved by the board of Directors of the club.
- You were approved by the entire membership of the club.
Membership Badges
Upon induction as a new member of Southtowne, you are issued a temporary Red Badge with your name and classification. The Red Badge helps the membership to identify and become better acquainted with you.
As you become involved in the club’s activities and complete certain requirements, you will earn a permanent Blue Badge. There is no time line to obtain your blue badge.
Your membership is the life blood of Southtowne, and other members will gladly assist you with these tasks. We will assign a mentor (current member) to help and answer your questions.