Hello, Southtowne Members.
This Page is For You.
The information on this page is public, so feel free to check it out if you are curious or interested in becoming a member of Rotary. This page is meant to be a helpful resource for Southtowne members…kind of like an electronic SpinOff newsletter. If you don’t see something you’re looking for, contact us! If you have anything to add, also let us know!
Check out the latest news, events, and good work of the
Eugene Southtowne Rotary Club.
Submit news, events, or interesting information by Monday
evening of the week you want it published.

Weekly Duty Assignments
Greeter: 11:30 – Kathi Hoffer
Cashier-Raffle: 11:30 – Angela O’Brien – Grace Widdicombe
Thought of the Day:
Take-down: Jantzen Lloyd
Interested in Becoming a Member? Download our application form here:
Avenues of Service and Committees
Below, you will find committees & members assigned to those committees. Want to join a committee or just learn more about what’s needed? Contact the chair (indicated with a “C” next to their name) to get involved!
Club Training Officer
Travis Misfeldt, C
Finance Committee
Joelle Goodwin
Randy Bernstein
Angela O’Brien
John Pfanner, C
Joelle Goodwin, C
Randy Bernstein
Sean McGann
Kathi Hoffer
Policy & Procedures
Travis Misfeldt, C
Local Community Service
The Homeless Youth Support Committee works with several community partners in the area to provide much-needed support. The partners we support are:
- 15th Night RAN
- Hosea Drop-in Center
- Youth House
- ECCO High School
- Looking Glass (NEW!)
Members of the committee are:
- Susie Andrist, C
- Grace Widdicombe
- Randy Bernstein
- Linda Carnine
- Leslie Parker
- Jean Stover
- Renee Yandel
- Lesa Artzberger
- Rodger Deevers
- Charlene Engelmann (community member)
- Peggy Wiedenheft (community member)
- Wendy Westcott
- Morgan Hayward
- Doug Mozan
- Charlotte Russell
- Helen Williams
- Pat Anderson (community member)
Downtown Languages
- Linda Anderson
- Camille Ronzio
- Glen Brigham
- Deanna Rivera
- Felipe Alonso
Southtowne Opportunity Scholarships
- Camille Ronzio
- Kathi Hoffer
- Randy Bernstein
- Amanda Adams
- Gary Schwieger
- Deanna Rivera
- Rick Duncan
- Linda Carnine
- Jocelyn Bonner
Emergency Services
- Camille Ronzio C
- Kathi Hoffer
- Stephanie Cannon
- Jim Martin
- Andrea Lamanna
- Grace Widdicombe
- Jean Stover
- Gary Schwieger
- Deanna Rivera
- Kim Cronin
Fairfield Elementary
- Sarah Mellgren, C
- Linda Anderson
- Linda Carnine
- Kathi Hoffer
- Nancy Meyer
- Leslie Parker
- Camille Ronzio
- Grace Widdicombe
- Gary Brown
Food Boxes
- Camille Ronzio C
- Pat Miller
- Jantzen Lloyd
- Lonny King
- Karen Fretwell
- Kathi Hoffer
- Travis Misfeldt
- Jocelyn Bonner
- Betty Holst
- Jim Martin
- Sean McGann
- Doug Mozan
- Plus numerous spouses, community volunteers and partner volunteers
Head Start
- Camille Ronzio C
- Mary Ellen King
- Doug Mozan
- Pat Miller
- Karen Fretwell
- Jim Fretwell
- Kathi Hoffer
- Travis Misfeldt
- Jim Anderson
Meals on Wheels
- Kathi Hoffer
- Sam Miller
- Leslie Parker
- John Pfanner
- Karen Fretwell
- Paul Riess
- Jean Stover
- Chris Waugh
International Community Service
Director: Anita Weiss
Friendship Exchange
- Camille Ronzio, CoC
- Karen Fretwell
- Anita Weiss
Hospital Supply
- John Pfanner, CoC
- Sean McGann
Peace Committee
- Jim Anderson, CoC
- Linda Carnine, CoC
- Lonny King
- Jantzen Lloyd
- John Rivera
World Community Service Committee
- Kathi Hoffer, CoC
- Jocelyn Bonner
- Deborah Steely
- Don Steely
- Susie Andrist
- Linda Carnine
- Grace Widdicome
SVRGC (South Valley Rotary Grant Committee)
- Kathi Hoffer, CoC
- Anita Weiss
- Jocelyn Bonner
Membership Services
- Jean Stover
- Susie Andrist
- Glen Brigham
- Sarah Mellgren
- Jocelyn Bonner
Membership Recognition
- Kathi Hoffer
Vocational Services
- Chris Waugh
Public Relations
- Deanna Rivera, C
- Patric Miller
- Deanna Rivera, C
- Patric Miller
- Grace Widdicombe
- Chris Waugh
Public Relations
- Patric Miller, C
- Andrea Lamanna
- Camille Ronzio
- Charlotte Russell
- Deanna Rivera
- Grace Widdicombe
- Helen Williams
- Jean Stover
- Joelle Goodwin
- Kathi Hoffer
- Lonny King
- Nick
- Patric Miller
- Randy Bernstein
- Rodger Deevers
- Susie Andrist
- Wendy Westcott
Rotary International Foundation
- Sarah Mellgren, C
- Kathi Hoffer
- Jantzen Lloyd
- Paul Riess
- Anita Weiss, C
- Gary Brown
- Karen Fretwell
- Kathi Hoffer
- Jantzen Lloyd
- Jean Stover
Sergeant at Arms
- Doug Mozan, C
Youth Services
4-Way Test Speech Contest
- Doug Mozan, C
Interact-South Eugene High School
- Stephanie Cannon, C
RYLA Committee
- Doug Mozan, C
- Stephanie Cannon
Youth Exchange
- Doug Mozan, C
- Deanna Rivera
- Gary Schwieger
- Anita Weiss
Southtowne Rotary Foundation
President: Christie McDonald
VP: Gary Brown
Secretary: Steve Hutchinson
Asst. Secretary: Susie Andrist
Treasurer: Matt Adams
Randy Bernstein
Joelle Goodwin
Andrea Lamanna
Karen Fretwell
Scholarship Committee:
Gary Brown, Co-C
Nancy Hughes, Co-C
Harry Andrist
Randy Bernstein
Jocelyn Bonner
Suzanne Buechler
Sam Miller
Kyle Williams
Paul Harris Fellows
Amanda Adams, PHF
Matt Adams, PHF+1
Jim Anderson, PHF
Linda Anderson, PHF
Susie Andrist, PHF+8, Bq
Nick Balthrop, PHF
Charles Beaudet, PHF+2
Randy Bernstein, PHF+2
Jocelyn Bonner, PHF+1, Bq
Dick Briggs, PHF+8, B, MD
Sally Briggs, PHF+8, B, MD
Glen Brigham, PHF+3
Gary Brown, PHF+5, Bq
Linda Carnine, PHF+6
Paul Colvin, PHF+4
Rick Duncan, PHF+8, MD
Karen Fretwell, PHF
Nancy Glines, PHF
Joelle Goodwin, PHF
Kathi Hoffer, PHF+8
Betty Holst, PHF
Rod Holst, PHF+3
Nancy Hughes, PHF+8, MD
Dick Hulse, PHF+4, Bq
Steve Hutchinson, PHF+4, Bq
Charles Johnson, PHF+3
Lonny King, PHF+6
Andy Laird, PHF
Andrea Lamanna, PHF
Frank Lawson, PHF
Jantzen Lloyd, PHF+2
Margaret McKimmey Malcolm, PHF+3
Jim Martin, PHF+5, B
Christie McDonald, PHF+5
Sean McGann, PHF+1
Sarah Mellgren, PHF
Sam Miller, PHF
Travis Misfeldt, PHF
Douglas Mozan, PHF
Jay O’Leary, PHF+4
Mary O’Leary, PHF+3, B
Leslie Parker, PHF+2
John Pfanner,III, PHF+2
Mike Raz, PHF+8, Bq
Paul Riess, PHF+6
Deanna Rivera, PHF+1
John Rivera, PHF
Camille Ronzio, PHF+2
Gary Schwieger, PHF+4
Bill Slattery, PHF+3, B
Don Steely, PHF
Ted Stevens, PHF+8, Bq
Ron Sticka, PHF+2
Jean Stover, PHF+2
Chris Waugh, PHF+5
Grace Widdicome, PHF+1
Kyle Williams, PHF+1
Renee Yandel, PHF
* Current as of May 2021
Paul Harris Fellows Key:
A Paul Harris Fellow is a Rotary member who has completed one or more $1,000 gifts to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). The number in brackets indicates how many Fellows have been completed by each member.
All Southtowne members (except Honorary members) who have
made — or are in the process of making — at least one gift are listed
above. The designation of ‘PHF’ indicates one Paul Harris has
been completed. The number following shows how many
additional PHFs have been funded.
S = Sustainer: members in the process of completing their first Fellow.
PHF = Paul Harris Fellow: member has completed one Paul Harris
gift of $1,000.
B = Benefactor: gifts of cash or inclusion in one’s will for $1,000
or more.
Bq = Bequest Society: gifts of cash or inclusion in one’s will for
$10,000 or more.
MD = Major Donor: Accumulative giving of $10,000 or more.
Past Southtowne Presidents
- 1975-77 Richard McClintic **
- 1977-78 Larry Gruman **
- 1978-79 Norman Stone **
- 1979-80 Len Taylor
- 1980-81 Robert Kime **
- 1981-82 Robert Wright **
- 1982-83 Ron Delaney
- 1983-84 Bill Slattery
- 1984-85 Don Warner **
- 1985-86 Ron Greer **
- 1986-87 Lauren Alexander**
- 1987-88 Gerry Gaydos
- 1988-89 Jim Helbling
- 1989-90 Glen Thomet
- 1990-91 Jon Hunter/Vacant
- 1991-92 Mike Kehoe/Jim Martin
- 1992-93 Jim Martin
- 1993-94 Karl Rymer **
- 1994-95 Jim Antonini
- 1995-96 Bob Poppen **
- 1996-97 Mary Glass O’Leary
- 1997-98 Dick Smith **
- 1998-99 Bert Toepel
- 1999-00 Bruce Shaw**
- 2000-01 Michael Raz
- 2001-02 Christie McDonald
- 2002-03 Paul Riess
- 2003-04 Steve Hutchinson
- 2004-05 Sally Briggs
- 2005-06 Maurice Moore **
- 2006-07 George Kloeppel **
- 2007-08 Bill Martin
- 2008-09 Ron Sticka
- 2009-10 Frank Lambe
- 2010-11 Mitch Hagstrom
- 2011-12 George Rode
- 2012-13 Andrea Lamanna
- 2013-14 Ted Stevens
- 2014-15 Lonny King
- 2015-16 Doug Mozan
- 2016-17 Bruce Shaw**
- 2017-18 Susie Hanner
- 2018-19 Walt Meyer
2019-20 Glen Brigham - 2020-21 Christine Waugh
- 2021-22 Kathi Hoffer
- 2022-23 Randy Bernstein
- 2023-24 Joelle Goodwin
- 2024-25 Karen Fretwell
District Service
District Membership
- Christine Waugh, C
Friendship Exchange
- Camille Ronzio, C
- Debbie, Snow, C
Past Assistant District Governor
- Steve Hutchinson
- Mary O’Leary

The German Rotary Exchange Team in Eugene in May 2016. We are forever grateful for the opportunity to meet fellow Rotarians throughout the world.