Friendship & Group Study Exchange
Last Updated: 3/18/24
Rotary Friendship Exchange: Experiencing other cultures and building friendships by staying in the homes of Rotary members in other countries. Recent exchanges have been to Louisiana, the Phillipines, and one is being organized now to Uganda. These partnerships have led to global and district grant possibilities Our club hosts providing housing and tours to visitors from these exchanges. If you are interested in finding out more about Rotary Friendship Exchange go to the District website.
This is under GET INVOLVED. You will find an application. Applications for any exchange can be turned in at any time. We will hold them until the dates are firm and team selection begins. If you have questions, feel free to contact Ted Stevens or Camille Ronzio, District 5110 co-chairs.
Group Study Exchange: An exchange of young professionals who network with like professionals in another country. This year, we are organizing an exchange of Italian and Oregonian winemakers.