Aid Africa Quarterly Newsletter – Summer 2015
Follow up on the Living Water Grant:
You’ll recall the “breaking news” from our February newsletter about a wonderful $6000 grant from the Living Water Committee of the Trinity Lu- theran Church in Lynwood, WA. The grant came with a checklist of what was to be done to earn it. Aid Africa has fulfilled the promise.
- Repair five boreholes: We did a complete rehabilitation in Angaya Parish of a waterpoint used by three villages. Until our work, it had just been a swamp shared with cows and goats. Using a district water office list of sites needing repair, we picked four more spots to work at that showed the greatest number of people who relied upon them. These included two at schools.
- Build two sheltered springs: Again, we focused our effort on places where there was lots of water and lots of people who depended upon that water but where the local community did not have the resources to protect those sources from contamination. Aid Africa funded the purchase and deliv- ery of construction materials. Two fouled bogs of stagnant water became two concrete bunkers yielding streams of clear water through pipes.
- Dig one new well: Between Binonga and Kal Villages we found a water source which went dry an- nually as the rain season ended. Now they have a pump that can extract clean water year-round.
Funds raised for Aid Africa
Aid Africa Board member Bob Inman raised $1600 leading 31 different participants on his “Inman 300” route which utilizes scenic streets, trails, foot bridges, parks and 345 public stairways stretching from the edge of the mountains north of Los Angeles to San Pedro Harbor. Bob held twelve walking dates and the participants were asked to contribute $10 per segment towards Aid Africa. Seven of them finished the 220 mile, 29,000’ gain route.
Here was a nice surprise:
Founded 1611, Char- terhouse School is one of the eight original English “Public” Schools. They heard about Aid Africa and asked if they could include us as a focus of their 2015 fund raising effort. Their March 7 event was a spec- tacular success that included the participation of 127 parents. At day’s end, our share of their generosity was a nearly $18,000 contribution. Wow! Thank you Charthouse School!