A policy change was made several years ago by the Rotary Foundation’s Board of Trustees allowing a percentage of the TRF funds returned to each District to be allocated to local projects. This was in response to Rotarians wanting their gifts to The Rotary Foundation to impact local projects as well as international projects. The impact of that decision on Eugene Southtowne Rotary’s local projects has been great.
Here are just a couple examples of Southtowne projects that have received financial support from The Rotary Foundation:
2011-12: $2000.00 to purchase OBOB books for Fairfield Elementary School; purchasing materials for bookshelf, book bags and books for Fairfield Head Start; mentoring Latino youth from Centro Latino Americano, picture / bilingual dictionaries and funds to start emergency loans to Head Start families.
2013-14: $2000.00 to fund bilingual books for Downtown Languages families who are learning English, water well renovation and fencing materials for a Bethel community garden and money to increase in food boxes to families.
Not only does your gift make a difference around the world but also it is having impact in your own community. If you have yet to make a contribution in this Rotary year, the TRF committee would like to encourage you to make a gift so that we can reach our club goal of $15,800.00 that will go to The Rotary Foundation’s General Fund.
Members of the club TRF committee are making contact with those members who as yet have not made a gift that is resulted in some new totals:
Total Giving: $12,645.00 – 80% of our goal Members: 50 – 63% of the membership