Congratulations to the food box team, who with funding from a District Grant, delivered turkey dinners and food and cleaning supplies to 102 families in our community!
Emergency Services were hard at work helping a working single mom with 3 children stay in temporary housing until her permanent housing is available. A fireplace screen was delivered to an Early Head Start family in Dorena by another Rotarian. One club member purchased 2 warm comforters for a mother and daughter camped out in a friend’s carport. New shoes were delivered to a single dad with 3 kids — even some new socks!
60 sets of warm sweatsuits are being delivered to Head Start families. 3 food boxes with turkeys celebrate the graduation of 3 Pilas families in Cottage Grove (families learning English).
Partnerships make possibilities! The Interact club at South Eugene cut out snowmen and Pat Miller created an original song to celebrate “Snow Wonder”. 120 Head Start children will go home with a book.
The Springs club at Greer Gardens led by Mike and Marsha Callahan are collecting gifts for 17 nominated partner families. Willow Cordain is coordinating Southtowne’s efforts
The holidays for these families will be much brighter because of the efforts of this partnership Winter break boxes will be delivered Monday Dec 20th. January food boxes are Wednesday Jan 19,