During the Presidential campaign of 2016 both candidates called for the elimination of nuclear weapons. These weapons along with climate change are frequently seen as threats to our national security. Many leaders and numerous groups are working to educate Americans on these threats. In the meantime, vast resources are being spent to modernize these weapons by all 9 nuclear states. North Korea and the Hawaii missile alert keep the topic current.
The Education committee of the Rotarian Action Group for Peace (RAGFP) wants to create a Rotary Club program that would inform members on the topic of nuclear weapons. The purpose of this dialogue is to ask Rotary Club members and guests what questions they have about nuclear weapons and who would you trust to answer those questions. Responses will be shared with the TAGFP education sub-committee on nuclear education.
The RAGFP is working in partnership with an initiative being led by Al Jubitz and Patrick Hiller and you can learn more here: War Prevention Initiative.
War Prevention Initiative Vision & Mission
A world beyond war by 2030 and humanity united by a global system of peace and justice. To advance the global peace system by supporting, developing and collaborating with peacebuilding efforts in all sectors of society.
War Prevention Initiative Areas of Focus
- We further the understanding of a global peace system through public discourse.
- We convene national and international experts to engage in ongoing constructive dialogue on war prevention issues.
- We employ the framework of multi-track diplomacy in our search for peacebuilding opportunities.
- We engage peace professionals and peace scientists to further our understanding of peacebuilding.
- We support the peace community and the broader public by sharing information and resources.
War Prevention Initiative Underlying Assumptions
- Nonviolence is more effective than violence.
- A global peace system is evolving.
- Poverty, employment, energy, education, the environment and other social and natural factors are interconnected in peacebuilding.
- Peace Science and Peace Education provide the path to a more just and peaceful world.
War Prevention Initiative Core Values
- Non Violence: We promote strategic and principled nonviolent solutions over any kind of armed conflict.
- Empathy: We view social problems through the eyes of others and respectfully communicate with each other in the pursuit of mutual understanding.
- Planetary Loyalty: We consider ourselves global citizens, living in harmony with humanity and nature.
- Moral Imagination: We strive for a moral perception of the world.