Following are just completed amendments to the Southtowne Bylaws to set up the new position of PN (President Elect-Nominee). This will be the elected position for the president now instead of the President Elect position so the PN will automatically become the president elect and then president in a two year cycle.

The Southtown Bylaws provide that this amendment be submitted to the membership for vote. They will be published in the bulletin for two weeks (this week and the week of the June 4th meeting ) for member comments before the vote. Below are the proposed amended provisions. Comments can be made to Steve Hutchinson.

Article I Election of Directors and Officers

Section 1 — At a regular meeting at least one month prior to the election of officers, the presiding officer shall announce to the membership that recommendations may be made to the Nominating Committee for President Elect –Nominee (PN), Secretary, Treasurer and four members of the Board of Directors elected in even-numbered years, and three Directors elected in odd-numbered years, to take office the first day of the following July.

Terms of office shall be for one year, except Directors shall be elected for two-year terms. The nominations shall be presented by the Nominating Committee to the general membership for two consecutive meetings prior to the Annual Meeting. At that time nominations will be called for from the floor. A vote shall be take for each position to be elected at the Annual meeting and a majority of the votes cast by members of the club present and voting shall elect each position.

The candidates for President Elect-Nominee, Secretary and Treasurer receiving a majority of the votes shall be declared elected to their respective offices. The candidates for Director receiving a majority of the votes shall be declared elected Directors.

The President Elect-Nominee elected in such balloting shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors as President Elect-Nominee for the Rotary year commencing on the first day of July next following his/her election as President Elect-Nominee. . Commencing the following year, the President Elect-Nominee shall assume office as the President-Elect on the first day of July immediately following the year of service on the Board as President Elect-Nominee.

Immediately following service on the board of directors for two years as President Elect-Nominee, and as President Elect and commencing on the first day of July of the next Rotary year following service as President Elect, the President Elect shall assume the office of President to serve for one year.


Article II Board of Directors

The governing body of this club shall be the Board of Directors, elected in accordance with Article I, Section 1 of these bylaws and shall consist of thirteen members of this club, namely, seven Directors, President, President Elect, President Elect-Nominee ,Secretary, Treasurer and the immediate Past President.


Section 2 — President Elect and President Elect-Nominee. It shall be the duty of the President Elect and the President Elect-Nominee to serve as members of the Board of Directors of the club, and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President of the Board.